Saturday, August 26, 2006

Healing Mandala

I started the process of the footprint mandala for my client. She visited my studio on Thursday. We talked for a little while, and I meditated on the blank canvas for a while. The images that were given to me were very interesting. I saw a triangle, which turned out to be a Mayan temple, and a rainbow colored serpent, orchids and palm fronds, and cuneiform writing. All of these elements were profoundly important in matters which she is working on. It never ceases to amaze me when these mandalas touch the recipient so deeply. If that ever stops being the case, I hope that I have the sense to stop doing this work. I don't want to become one of the many "new age" practitioners that have become commercial and are only doing their work to make money. I actually have a huge issue with how to charge for my time and effort because of that. The client that I am doing this mandala for recognized that, and said many good things to help me in that process.

I am grateful that even after a year and a 1/2 of procrastination and avoidance, I still have the ability to be a vessel for divine information. I know that this time I can't run away from this, or I will probably not be given another chance to do this work. It is time to give back to the creator. . .Thank you, Universe.


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